Top 10k strings from Computer Studies (1985)(Collins Educational)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   9 "0","0","1","1","0","1","0","1"
   8 ;"                ":
   8 ,"Convert this","t",7
   6 ,"s1","t",6
   6  on your tape recorder":
   5 "s1","t",9
   4 l(rt,cp),c(rt,cp);
   4 ;"wrong";:
   4 ,"output","*"
   4 ,"on/off?","i",0
   4 ,"motor","i",1
   4 ,"lamp","t",7
   4 ,"input","*"
   4 ,"heater","t",5
   4 ,"alarm","t",9
   4 ,"Viewdata"
   4 ,"This is part of the CPU"
   4 ,"Telesoftware"
   4 ,"NB use CAPITAL","t",17
   4 ,"Motor","x",4
   4 ,"Lamp","t",15
   4 ,"Heater","t",14
   4 ,"Alarm","t",16
   4 "s4","t",3
   4 "Finish using the program"," "
   3 x,y,ht,wi:
   3 ;"To run this program again";
   3 ,"sequence","t",16
   3 ,"bit value","t",12
   3 ,"START","s3",18
   3 ,"OR","c",92
   3 ,"NOT","c",58
   3 ,"Complete this","t",11
   2 z$="treble":
   2 z$="treble"
   2 z$="single":
   2 z$="single"
   2 z$="double":
   2 z$="double"
   2 y(i),x(i);
   2 x,y,j,k,a:
   2 v(x),w(x);
   2 u(f),v(f),w(f):
   2 to answer";:
   2 t$(i)=t$(j):
   2 symbol shift
   2 rientated","
   2 r(x)=r(y):
   2 r(i)=r(i+1
   2 q$(x)=a$(x) 
   2 ol,oc;"This GEM reference may help you:";
   2 ol+l,oc+c;x$;:
   2 o(i),b(i);i;:
   2 o(i),b(i),r(i),s(i),d(i),e(i),t(i),y(i),p(i),a(i):
   2 n(w),l(w),c(w):
   2 m(x)=m(y):
   2 m(m)=j(a):
   2 m(i)=m(i+1
   2 m$="I'm mixing up the questions"
   2 l(rt,i),c(rt,i);
   2 l(rt,c),c(rt,c);
   2 l(m),c(m);f$:
   2 l(i,j),c(i,j):
   2 j-x,k-y,a:
   2 i=a(p(i)-1
   2 i=a(p(i)+1
   2 d$="I'm mixing up the topics"
   2 b$="                               "
   2 b$(m)=o$(a):
   2 a(x)=a(y):
   2 a$(m)=n$(a):
   2 Enter s d or t
   2 Between 1 & 20
   2 A+B","x",14
   2 ;z$;" is":
   2 ;"you will not get exactly the";
   2 ;"will not be exactly the same."
   2 ;"which can be used for ":
   2 ;"to choose from. If you do not"
   2 ;"time RESTARTS the program.":
   2 ;"the tape before you";
   2 ;"shown to give a hint or an";
   2 ;"second try. Pressing 
   2 ;"same tests."
   2 ;"right";:
   2 ;"ready.";
   2 ;"questions.";
   2 ;"questions you can have a ";
   2 ;"practice at answering";
   2 ;"or t (treble) "
   2 ;"multiple choice";
   2 ;"help is given. A message is";
   2 ;"get a question correct then";
   2 ;"explanation. Have your GEM";
   2 ;"Your score is 0  -  YOU WIN !!!!":
   2 ;"Your score =
   2 ;"You aimed at "
   2 ;"True/false";
   2 ;"To load a later program wind on";
   2 ;"This program gives you ";
   2 ;"There is a range of topics";
   2 ;"The answer was : ":
   2 ;"Multiple choice";
   2 ;"If you try this test again it";
   2 ;"If you run the program again";
   2 ;"Good. The answer was :":
   2 ;"Good shot!!
   2 ;"For the ";
   2 ;"Do you want to play            501, 301, 201 or 101 ?":
   2 ;"Computer   =";cs
   2 ;"BUST!!!   Try again":
   2 ;"An example of ";
   2 ;"An application which uses :-":
   2 ;"& press 
   2 ;" Press the ";
   2 ;" Have another try               ":
   2 ;"     ";:
   2 ;"              ":
   2 ;"               ";
   2 ;"               ":
   2 ;"                               ":
   2 ;"                                ":
   2 ;"              
   2 -l(rt,i)*8
   2 ,"works manager"
   2 ,"working out interview times","for a parents' evening"
   2 ,"will be","t",3
   2 ,"verification"
   2 ,"validation"
   2 ,"updating"
   2 ,"time-sharing"
   2 ,"this flowchart","t",17
   2 ,"then into hex.","i",1
   2 ,"the user port"
   2 ,"the printer port"
   2 ,"the output after","t",17
   2 ,"the logic unit"
   2 ,"the input of the","t",18
   2 ,"the control unit"
   2 ,"the central processing unit"
   2 ,"the Local Authority-Rates"
   2 ,"the Gas board"
   2 ,"the Building Societies"
   2 ,"the Banks"
   2 ,"take up less memory"
   2 ,"table.","i",2
   2 ,"systems analyst"
   2 ,"system designer"
   2 ,"storeman"
   2 ,"stock control"
   2 ,"static memory"
   2 ,"source code"
   2 ,"sorting"
   2 ,"shift leader"
   2 ,"service engineer"
   2 ,"serial access"
   2 ,"sequential access"
   2 ,"secretary"
   2 ,"school time-tabling"
   2 ,"run faster"
   2 ,"receptionist"
   2 ,"real time processing"
   2 ,"random access"
   2 ,"programmer"
   2 ,"producing invoices "
   2 ,"processing data to assist","weather forecasting"
   2 ,"paying wages & salaries"
   2 ,"parallel"
   2 ,"paper tape"
   2 ,"packet switching"
   2 ,"output of this","t",18
   2 ,"operations manager"
   2 ,"on line working"
   2 ,"office worker"
   2 ,"off line working"
   2 ,"object code"
   2 ,"number","t",17
   2 ,"multi programming"
   2 ,"microfiche"
   2 ,"magnetic stripe"
   2 ,"machine tool operator"
   2 ,"machine code"
   2 ,"librarian"
   2 ,"letters","x",124
   2 ,"letters for hex","x",124
   2 ,"key to disk"
   2 ,"keeping medical records"
   2 ,"is","`",10
   2 ,"is entered.","t",17
   2 ,"into hex.","i",1
   2 ,"into denary","i",2
   2 ,"into binary.","i",2
   2 ,"into binary and","t",9
   2 ,"immediate access memory"
   2 ,"hex number","t",8
   2 ,"hex number into","t",8
   2 ,"foreground processing"
   2 ,"flowchart will be","i",0
   2 ,"financial modelling"
   2 ,"dynamic memory"
   2 ,"downloading"
   2 ,"denary number","?",8
   2 ,"decimal number","t",8
   2 ,"computer operator"
   2 ,"computer centre manager"
   2 ,"comparison"
   2 ,"checking"
   2 ,"bursting"
   2 ,"binary number","t",8
   2 ,"binary number in","t",5
   2 ,"binary and then","t",9
   2 ,"batch processing"
   2 ,"background processing"
   2 ,"are easier to read & debug"
   2 ,"an optical character reader"
   2 ,"an operating system"
   2 ,"an interpreter"
   2 ,"an interface"
   2 ,"an inter-block gap"
   2 ,"an input form"
   2 ,"an ink jet printer"
   2 ,"an estate agent"
   2 ,"an assembly language"
   2 ,"an architect drawing house","plans"
   2 ,"an applications package"
   2 ,"an analogue output"
   2 ,"an analogue input"
   2 ,"an airline booking system"
   2 ,"an actuator"
   2 ,"an acoustic coupler"
   2 ,"an A to D converter"
   2 ,"accountant"
   2 ,"a water authority"
   2 ,"a voice synthesiser"
   2 ,"a visual display unit"
   2 ,"a travel agent"
   2 ,"a track"
   2 ,"a touch sensitive screen"
   2 ,"a thermal printer"
   2 ,"a terminal"
   2 ,"a teletype"
   2 ,"a stack"
   2 ,"a sprocket hole"
   2 ,"a solicitor producing","legal documents"
   2 ,"a sensor"
   2 ,"a sector"
   2 ,"a remote terminal"
   2 ,"a record"
   2 ,"a punched card"
   2 ,"a point of sale terminal"
   2 ,"a paper tape reader"
   2 ,"a paper tape punch"
   2 ,"a network"
   2 ,"a mouse"
   2 ,"a modem"
   2 ,"a mark sense card reader"
   2 ,"a magnetic tape"
   2 ,"a magnetic tape unit"
   2 ,"a magnetic ink reader"
   2 ,"a magnetic disk drive"
   2 ,"a magnetic disc"
   2 ,"a low level language"
   2 ,"a line printer","128 Mbytes of store","8 hard disk drives","15 VDU terminals","could be","*"
   2 ,"a light pen"
   2 ,"a laser printer"
   2 ,"a kimball tag"
   2 ,"a keyword"
   2 ,"a keyboard"
   2 ,"a key or keyword"
   2 ,"a joystick"
   2 ,"a high level language"
   2 ,"a header"
   2 ,"a hard disk drive"
   2 ,"a graph plotter"
   2 ,"a golfball printer"
   2 ,"a frame"
   2 ,"a floppy disk"
   2 ,"a floppy disk drive"
   2 ,"a flat bed plotter"
   2 ,"a field"
   2 ,"a dot matrix printer"
   2 ,"a database"
   2 ,"a daisywheel printer"
   2 ,"a computer"
   2 ,"a compiler"
   2 ,"a chain printer"
   2 ,"a cassette tape"
   2 ,"a cassette tape unit"
   2 ,"a card reader"
   2 ,"a card punch"
   2 ,"a buffer"
   2 ,"a bubble memory"
   2 ,"a block"
   2 ,"a barrel printer"
   2 ,"a bar code reader"
   2 ,"a bar code label"
   2 ,"a D to A converter"
   2 ,"Word processing"
   2 ,"Window","t",5
   2 ,"When a computer or terminal is","connected to another computer","system it is said to be","*"
   2 ,"Videotex"
   2 ,"Verifier"
   2 ,"Validity check"
   2 ,"This would produce a voltage","dependant on the temperature"
   2 ,"This would be too slow"
   2 ,"This was one of the first","structured languages"
   2 ,"This uses the telephone line","to link to a computer system"
   2 ,"This switches data from several","wires in sequence onto one wire"
   2 ,"This produces sound to go into","a telephone handset"
   2 ,"This produces clear print but","is much too fast"
   2 ,"This produces an electrical","signal from a physical change"
   2 ,"This prints one character at","a time"
   2 ,"This piece of software","makes a computer system","much easier to use","*"
   2 ,"This person designs computers"
   2 ,"This moves and produces a force"
   2 ,"This is when one program uses","the CPU & another the printer"
   2 ,"This is when a terminal is","being used for data preparation"
   2 ,"This is very fast but can","produce smudged print"
   2 ,"This is used to move the cursor","round the screen"
   2 ,"This is used for position"
   2 ,"This is too small a quantity"
   2 ,"This is too large a quantity"
   2 ,"This is to do with data stored","on magnetic tape"
   2 ,"This is to do with data stored","on magnetic disc"
   2 ,"This is the text of a program","in a high level language"
   2 ,"This is the main connection","between the parts of a computer"
   2 ,"This is the machine code","produced by a compiler"
   2 ,"This is one way of organising","the memory"
   2 ,"This is easier to write and","understand than assembler"
   2 ,"This is an old design and is","not now reliable enough"
   2 ,"This is an example of BATCH","processing"
   2 ,"This is a type of operating","system"
   2 ,"This is a terminal or computer","connected to another computer"
   2 ,"This is a structured language","for education"
   2 ,"This is a structured language"
   2 ,"This is a simple language used","to teach programming"
   2 ,"This is a set of holes across","punches paper tape"
   2 ,"This is a read only system","using TV transmissions"
   2 ,"This is a program"
   2 ,"This is a program bought ready","made for a particular job"
   2 ,"This is a piece of software. A","network has hardware & software"
   2 ,"This is a language in which ONE","word = ONE machine code instr."
   2 ,"This is a language for doing","calculations"
   2 ,"This is a form of backing store"
   2 ,"This is a digital output to","connect to peripherals"
   2 ,"This is a common language for","home computers"
   2 ,"This is a 0 or a 1"
   2 ,"This is 8 bits"
   2 ,"This has holes punched in it"
   2 ,"This enables you to use simple","words to control the computer"
   2 ,"This could work by either","serial or parallel transmissiom"
   2 ,"This could not be read back in"
   2 ,"This could be one unit on a","network or peripheral"
   2 ,"This converts a high level","language into machine code"
   2 ,"This connects the computer to","a telephone line"
   2 ,"This changes a mnemonic language","into machine code"
   2 ,"This can apply to any system","using a TV to display pages"
   2 ,"This calls machine code","routines instead of converting"
   2 ,"Think of a large collection of","data"
   2 ,"Think about each piece of","hardware & why it is needed"
   2 ,"They might do, but not for","their main system"
   2 ,"These are types of operating","methods"
   2 ,"These are the binary codes","which operate the CPU directly"
   2 ,"The table shows","t",16
   2 ,"The output of","t",16
   2 ,"The idea is to free the CPU to","do more processing"
   2 ,"Teletext"
   2 ,"Telecom Gold"
   2 ,"Skylight","t",9
   2 ,"Serial transmission"
   2 ,"START","s3",44
   2 ,"Real time"
   2 ,"Printer"
   2 ,"Prestel"
   2 ,"Parallel transmission"
   2 ,"Page 55"
   2 ,"PRINT","t",17
   2 ,"PRINT A","s2",24
   2 ,"Output device"
   2 ,"Only one typeface is available"
   2 ,"ON/OFF line working"
   2 ,"Network"
   2 ,"NOT","c",84
   2 ,"NOT","c",36
   2 ,"Modulation"
   2 ,"MICR : OCR : Mark sense"
   2 ,"Look up information about jobs","in your notes or text book"
   2 ,"Kimball tag"
   2 ,"It could do but it is not","essential"
   2 ,"Inverted file"
   2 ,"Input device"
   2 ,"Information retrieval"
   2 ,"In this files & output are","updated before the next input"
   2 ,"In this all data is collected","together before running"
   2 ,"In most printers of this type","the dots can be seen"
   2 ,"If A=   and B=   the","t",17
   2 ,"FORTRAN"
   2 ,"END","s3",44
   2 ,"Door","t",7
   2 ,"Complete the","t",18
   2 ,"Chimney","i",0
   2 ,"C","s2",64
   2 ,"Backing store"
   2 ,"An example of direct","computer input from paper is","*"
   2 ,"An electronic circuit used to","link computers & peripherals"
   2 ,"Address bus"
   2 ,"A","t",15
   2 ,"A decimal number","`",8
   2 ,"A  ?","s1",10
   2 ,"2's complement","i",2
   2 ,"11110000",12
   2 ,"10110",7
   2 ,"10101",7
   2 ,"10100110",12
   2 ,"10100",7
   2 ,"10011",7
   2 ,"10010",7
   2 ,"10001100",12
   2 ,"10001",7
   2 ,"10000",7
   2 ,"01111111",12
   2 ,"01101001",12
   2 ,"01011111",12
   2 ,"01010010",26
   2 ,"01001111",26
   2 ,"01001101",26
   2 ,"01000101",26
   2 ,"00101001",12
   2 ,"00001111",12
   2 ,"0000",11
   2 (c(rt,i)*8
   2 "s4","i",2
   2 "a peripheral"
   2 "a device"
   2 "You have ";:
   2 "You choose a topic from a list  and decide whether you will aim at the treble, double or single."
   2 "True or false"," "
   2 "Treble questions are hardest!!!":
   2 "Software and languages"," "
   2 "Pressing 
   2 "Peripherals"," "
   2 "Multiple choice"," "
   2 "Logic networks","Number systems","Arithmetic","Random choice","Logic networks","Number systems","Arithmetic","Random choice"
   2 "Data processing and","information retrieval"
   2 "Choose another topic"," "
   2 "CPU, data transfer and ","communications"
   2 "C5","E1","BC","3A","FF","5A","ED","B8","9C","AB"
   2 "Applications and personnel"," "
   2 ";z$;" ";i;"
   2 ";z$;" ";g;"
   2 "13","53","29","69","8C","7F","F0","0F","5F","A3"
   2 "00010011",12
   2 "0","0","0","0","1","1","1","1","0","0","1","1","0","0","1","1","0","1","0","1","0","1","0","1"
   2 " hardware"
   2 " back to choose another topic. ":
   2 " attempts at each     question.If you answer correctlyyou get the points otherwise    the computer gets them!!"
   2 " Remember that pressing 
   2 "  How much do you know about":
   2  will take you    ":
   2  to continue";
   2  to choose":
   2  to carry on"
   2  to answer";
   1 v(x),w(x);f$:
   1 v(x),w(x);f$
   1 us=us-(i*sc)
   1 us=us-(i*r)
   1 us=us+(i*sc):
   1 us=us+(i*r):
   1 t$(i)="Trace tables  "
   1 t$(i)="Storing data  "
   1 t$(i)="Number systems"
   1 t$(i)="Masking       "
   1 t$(i)="Logic networks"
   1 t$(i)="Arithmetic    "
   1 s (single) "
   1 m$="                                ":
   1 m$="                                "
   1 cs=cs-(i*sc)
   1 cs=cs-(i*r)
   1 Original Release
   1 GAME2     
   1 GAME1     x
   1 For David Batty
   1 Educational
   1 D. Maddocks
   1 Computer Studies - Side B
   1 Collins Revision Software
   1 C+D","t",16
   1 B?","t",12
   1 B-2","x",78
   1 A-","x",36
   1 A+1","x",78
   1 A+1","x",20
   1 A+1","t",12
   1 A+","x",36
   1 ;"wind on the tape before you":
   1 ;"output of this":
   1 ;"or d (double) "
   1 ;"or d (double ";
   1 ;"logic network":
   1 ;"bit patttern":
   1 ;"bit at a time":
   1 ;"Your dart hit ";
   1 ;"Your dart hit "
   1 ;"Type in the whole";
   1 ;"Type in one";
   1 ;"Type a number";
   1 ;"Type a number":
   1 ;"To run this program again":
   1 ;"To load and run QUESTIONS2";
   1 ;"To load and run GAME2":
   1 ;"To load and run GAME1";
   1 ;"To load a later program":
   1 ;"To aim";
   1 ;"To aim":
   1 ;"This is a game played against   the computer. You will be asked questions on computing topics.":
   1 ;"This is a game played against   the computer. You will be asked questions on computing topics."
   1 ;"Now the value:";
   1 ;"Now the value:"
   1 ;"My score is ";cs;"        I WIN !!!  ":
   1 ;"My score is ";:
   1 ;"HARD LUCK";
   1 ;"HARD LUCK":
   1 ;"Complete the":
   1 ;"COMPUTER STUDIES  (part 2)":
   1 ;"COMPUTER STUDIES  (part 1)":
   1 ;"   s (single) ";
   1 ,"y","l",40
   1 ,"y","l",100
   1 ,"working out how much feed","to give cows"
   1 ,"word that is","t",11
   1 ,"with inputs of","t",7
   1 ,"window",4
   1 ,"will be","?",4
   1 ,"will be ","?",6
   1 ,"truth table for","t",6
   1 ,"to code the","t",6
   1 ,"this number","`",10
   1 ,"then an intruder","t",16
   1 ,"then a decimal number","t",18
   1 ,"the","`",6
   1 ,"the","`",4
   1 ,"the","?",4
   1 ,"the water authorities"
   1 ,"the mantissa","t",14
   1 ,"the input to the computer","t",17
   1 ,"the bit pattern","t",9
   1 ,"the Electricity boards"
   1 ,"sum","x",14
   1 ,"stored in a","t",10
   1 ,"skylight",4
   1 ,"showing the sum","t",8
   1 ,"s4","i",2
   1 ,"s1","t",9
   1 ,"retrieval of information","in a library"
   1 ,"result of using","t",8
   1 ,"recording data to produce","maps"
   1 ,"recording data to produce","map for a survey firm"
   1 ,"receives an","t",14
   1 ,"point number","t",13
   1 ,"output or input","*"
   1 ,"output of the","t",18
   1 ,"output of Z","i",2
   1 ,"ordering from a mail order","firm by telephone"
   1 ,"ordering from a mail order","catalogue by 'phone"
   1 ,"operation between inputs A & B.","`",8
   1 ,"one microcomputer","a single disk drive","a dot matrix printer","a VDU","could be","*"
   1 ,"on B?","x",20
   1 ,"of store    as a mask on the","t",17
   1 ,"numbers","i",2
   1 ,"number","?",10
   1 ,"number that can","t",11
   1 ,"negate","l",92
   1 ,"n","t",17
   1 ,"n","t",14
   1 ,"n","l",100
   1 ,"must be output","
   1 ,"listing pupil information","in a school"
   1 ,"listing  of information","about pupils"
   1 ,"letters","`",5
   1 ,"labelling of medicines by a","pharmacist"
   1 ,"labelling medicines by a","pharmacist"
   1 ,"is","?",10
   1 ,"is the decimal","t",10
   1 ,"input or output","*"
   1 ,"input of","`",4
   1 ,"input is","*"
   1 ,"information retrieval in a","library"
   1 ,"in the GEM","x",6
   1 ,"in A as a mask","t",10
   1 ,"has entered through","t",17
   1 ,"flowchart is  ,","i",0
   1 ,"enters through","t",14
   1 ,"checking the tolerance of","manufactured parts"
   1 ,"checking the tolerance of","manufactured items"
   1 ,"carry","s4","*"
   1 ,"bytes can be","t",9
   1 ,"bits long.","`",6
   1 ,"binary","t",8
   1 ,"binary numbers","t",7
   1 ,"be coded using","`",4
   1 ,"backup storage","*"
   1 ,"backing store","*"
   1 ,"automatic control of robots","in an automated factory"
   1 ,"automatic control of machine","tools in a factory"
   1 ,"automatic control of a","food processing plant"
   1 ,"automatic control of a","chemical plant"
   1 ,"assembler"
   1 ,"and the carry","i",2
   1 ,"an assembler"
   1 ,"a viewdata terminal","and a dot matrix printer"," "," ","could be","*"
   1 ,"a taxi firm keeping","vehicle records"
   1 ,"a single microcomputer","with one disk drive","a dot matrix printer","and a VDU","could be","*"
   1 ,"a single computer","a daisywheel printer","a dual disk drive","and a few VDU terminals","could be","*"
   1 ,"a single computer","a daisywheel printer","a dual disk drive","One or more VDU terminals","could be","*"
   1 ,"a multiplexor"
   1 ,"a multiplexer"
   1 ,"a microcomputer","several analogue interfaces","several digital interfaces","a VDU","could be","*"
   1 ,"a microcomputer","ANALOGUE interfaces","DIGITAL interfaces","and a VDU","could be","*"
   1 ,"a haulage contractor keeping","vehicle records"
   1 ,"a farmer working out how","much food to give his cows"
   1 ,"a farmer trying to  use his","land for maximum yield"
   1 ,"a farmer trying to  use his","land at maximum efficiency"
   1 ,"a computer with 256k RAM","a high resolution VDU","a hard disk drive","and a graph plotter","could be","*"
   1 ,"a computer with 256k RAM","a high resolution VDU","a hard disk drive","a graph plotter","could be","*"
   1 ,"a Prestel terminal","a dot matrix printer"," "," ","could be","*"
   1 ,"a + or - in your answer","x",6
   1 ,"X Y  Z","t",12
   1 ,"X & Y and an","t",8
   1 ,"When a magnetic tape is 'read'","the amount of data copied into","the buffer is usually","*"
   1 ,"When a disk is 'read' the","quantity of data which is often","copied into the BUFFER is","usually","*"
   1 ,"When a disk is 'read' the","amount of data copied into","the buffer is usually","*"
   1 ,"When a cassette tape is 'read'","the quantity of data which is","copied into the buffer is","usually","*"
   1 ,"What is the","t",7
   1 ,"Use the correct answer as a ","reference to look up in your GEM"
   1 ,"Use the correct answer as a ","reference in the GEM"
   1 ,"Use 8 bit words","t",5
   1 ,"Typing in data twice is a","method of data","*"
   1 ,"To randomly access any record","in a file it would have","to be stored on","*"
   1 ,"To access any given record of","a file (random access) it would","need to be stored on","*"
   1 ,"This would use one wire plus","ground"
   1 ,"This would use one wire for","each bit"
   1 ,"This would use one wire for","EACH bit"
   1 ,"This would use ONE wire plus","ground"
   1 ,"This would only allow serial","access"
   1 ,"This software looks for key","words in a whole line of","program and then calls machine","code routines","*"
   1 ,"This software looks for a key","word in a program line","and then calls machine","code routines","*"
   1 ,"This only allows serial","access"
   1 ,"This loses its contents when","it is switched off"
   1 ,"This loses its contents after","it is switched off"
   1 ,"This is when many users get","some computer time in turn"
   1 ,"This is when many users get an","amount of computer time in turn"
   1 ,"This is one particular database","run by British Telecom"
   1 ,"This is one particular data-","base run by British Telecom"
   1 ,"This is an output peripheral"
   1 ,"This is an output medium not","a device"
   1 ,"This is an output device"
   1 ,"This is an output MEDIUM not","a peripheral"
   1 ,"This is an input peripheral"
   1 ,"This is an input medium not a","device"
   1 ,"This is an input device"
   1 ,"This is an input MEDIUM not a","peripheral"
   1 ,"This is a 
   1 ,"This could only be input OR","output"
   1 ,"This could be only input or","only output"
   1 ,"This changes source code into","object code","*"
   1 ,"This changes assembly language","into machine code","*"
   1 ,"The voltage must be turned into","a digital form"
   1 ,"The voltage must be converted","into a digital form"
   1 ,"The type of transfer using one","wire plus ground only and","sending a train of pulses is","called","*"
   1 ,"The type of transfer using one","wire for each bit is called","*"
   1 ,"The type of printer which would","be used with a word processor","could be","*"
   1 ,"The type of interface needed","before temperature can be","measured could be","*"
   1 ,"The type of data transfer","that uses a single wire","for EACH bit is called","*"
   1 ,"The type of data transfer that","sends a train of pulses down","ONE wire (plus ground)","is called","*"
   1 ,"The result of using the contents","t",16
   1 ,"The person who turns flowcharts","and specifications into","code is the","*"
   1 ,"The person who plans out how","the computer is to be used to","solve a problem is the","*"
   1 ,"The person who plans how the","computer will be used to","solve a particular problem","is the","*"
   1 ,"The person who looks after","disks and paperwork is the","*"
   1 ,"The person who changes disks","and paper is the","*"
   1 ,"The person responsible for the","magnetic tapes and disks is the","*"
   1 ,"The part of a computer which","carries data, address and","control signals is called","*"
   1 ,"The movement of a program or","data from a database to","your own computer is called","*"
   1 ,"The most significant bit of the","t",17
   1 ,"The least significant bit of the","t",17
   1 ,"The language ROM found in","most home microcomputers is","*"
   1 ,"The language ROM fitted to","most home computers is some","form of","*"
   1 ,"The data in a record is split","up into sections.","Each section is called","*"
   1 ,"The ability to link your home","computer to various databases","or other computers in any part","of the world is provided by","*"
   1 ,"Subtract these ","t",7
   1 ,"Source code is changed into","object code by","*"
   1 ,"Show    as a","t",4
   1 ,"Show     as a","t",4
   1 ,"STORE","i",0
   1 ,"STOP","s3",82
   1 ,"Remember to include","t",17
   1 ,"Real-time processing would be","essential in","*"
   1 ,"Prestel, Telecom Gold and","Micronet provide access to","different types of","*"
   1 ,"Prestel, Micronet and","Telecom Gold allow you to","access different types of","*"
   1 ,"Predict the result of an AND","t",17
   1 ,"Peripherals work more slowly","than the CPU. This means that","blocks of data must be stored","for a short time in","*"
   1 ,"PRINT","t",11
   1 ,"One part of the Central","Processing Unit is","*"
   1 ,"One part of the CPU is","*"
   1 ,"OR","s2","t",14
   1 ,"OR","s2","`",4
   1 ,"OR","c",60
   1 ,"OR","c",52
   1 ,"OR","c",36
   1 ,"OR","c",28
   1 ,"OR","c",20
   1 ,"NOR","s2","l",68
   1 ,"NOR","c",28
   1 ,"Moving a program or data","from a database to","your computer is called","*"
   1 ,"Look up","t",11
   1 ,"Keying in data twice is a","method of data","*"
   1 ,"Information retrieval using","the normal TV transmission","only is called","*"
   1 ,"Information retrieval using","a television transmission","is called","*"
   1 ,"Information retrieval using","a VDU, telephone system and a","computer is called","*"
   1 ,"In","`",10
   1 ,"In the floating ","t",7
   1 ,"In an 8 bit word","t",9
   1 ,"If the computer","t",13
   1 ,"If the buggy is to","t",17
   1 ,"If a burglar","t",13
   1 ,"If A=  B=  C=","t",16
   1 ,"INPUT","i",0
   1 ,"Each separate section of data","in a record is called","*"
   1 ,"Data, address and control","signals are carried in the","computer on","*"
   1 ,"Complete the","t",4
   1 ,"Checking the data using a","program to make sure that the","data lies within certain","limits is called","*"
   1 ,"Checking data by making sure","that it lies within certain","limits is called","*"
   1 ,"Central processing unit"
   1 ,"Central processing unit (CPU)"
   1 ,"Because the CPU operates very","fast but peripherals work","relatively slowly blocks of","data are held in","*"
   1 ,"B>A?","s1",40
   1 ,"B","t",9
   1 ,"B","i",0
   1 ,"B","`",8
   1 ,"B rev  for","x",16
   1 ,"B off  on","t",9
   1 ,"Assembly language is changed","into machine code by","*"
   1 ,"An example where real-time","processing would be essential","would be","*"
   1 ,"An example of a highly","'portable' business","language is","*"
   1 ,"Add these two","t",6
   1 ,"ASCII code","t",12
   1 ,"AND","s2","t",14
   1 ,"AND","s2","`",4
   1 ,"AND","c",92
   1 ,"AND","c",60
   1 ,"AND","c",52
   1 ,"AND","c",36
   1 ,"AND","c",28
   1 ,"AND","c",20
   1 ,"AND","*"
   1 ,"A>B?","s1",40
   1 ,"A,C","s2",72
   1 ,"A","t",12
   1 ,"A unit which converts","digital signals into electrical","waves of sound frequency","is","*"
   1 ,"A system which links several","computers & peripherals","together is called","*"
   1 ,"A system where files are","immediately updated when new","data is entered is called","*"
   1 ,"A system in which files are","updated immediately after data","is entered is called","*"
   1 ,"A rev  for","t",7
   1 ,"A record in a file is found","using one field which is","called","*"
   1 ,"A printer which prints one line","at a time & which would be used","in a large commercial computer","system could be","*"
   1 ,"A printer which can produce","a wide variety of type styles","could be","*"
   1 ,"A printer which can print","in many different styles and","do a screen dump could be","*"
   1 ,"A printer used in a large","computer system that prints","a whole line at a time","could be","*"
   1 ,"A printer that might be used","with a word processor in a","secretarial office would be","*"
   1 ,"A piece of software bought","ready written to do a","particular job is called","*"
   1 ,"A piece of software bought","ready made for a","particular job is called","*"
   1 ,"A person who turns flowcharts","and specifications into","actual code is a","*"
   1 ,"A person who looks after","magnetic tapes and disks is the","*"
   1 ,"A off  on","t",5
   1 ,"A method where several","computers & peripherals","are linked together","is called","*"
   1 ,"A medium used by the retail","trade for direct computer","input is","*"
   1 ,"A medium used by shops for","directly inputting data","to a computer is","*"
   1 ,"A large computer makes more","efficient use of CPU time & of","peripherals by a system called","*"
   1 ,"A large computer can increase","the efficient use of its CPU","and peripherals by using a","system called","*"
   1 ,"A language widely used for","business programs because it","is 'portable' is","*"
   1 ,"A group of separate","records is called","*"
   1 ,"A field that is used to find","a specific record in a file","is called","*"
   1 ,"A device which converts","digital signals into electrical","waves of sound frequency","is","*"
   1 ,"A computer that is measuring","temperature will need this","interface -","*"
   1 ,"A collection of separate","records is called","*"
   1 ,"8 2","i",0
   1 ,"64      16      4   2   1","?",1
   1 ,"64          8       2  1","?",1
   1 ,"4 1","i",0
   1 ,"28","t",15
   1 ,"27","t",13
   1 ,"26","t",11
   1 ,"128  64      16           2  1","x",4
   1 ,"11111111",13
   1 ,"11111111",12
   1 ,"11111111",10
   1 ,"11110000",13
   1 ,"11101101",13
   1 ,"11101101",12
   1 ,"11101101",10
   1 ,"11100100",3
   1 ,"11100001",13
   1 ,"11100001",12
   1 ,"11100001",10
   1 ,"10111100",13
   1 ,"10111100",12
   1 ,"10111100",10
   1 ,"10111000",13
   1 ,"10111000",12
   1 ,"10111000",10
   1 ,"10101110",3
   1 ,"10101011",13
   1 ,"10101011",12
   1 ,"10101011",10
   1 ,"10100110",13
   1 ,"1010",10
   1 ,"10011100",13
   1 ,"10011100",12
   1 ,"10011100",10
   1 ,"10001100",13
   1 ,"1 1","i",0
   1 ,"1 0","t",15
   1 ,"01111111",13
   1 ,"0111",11
   1 ,"01101001",13
   1 ,"01100100",3
   1 ,"0110",11
   1 ,"01011111",13
   1 ,"01011010",13
   1 ,"01011010",12
   1 ,"01011010",10
   1 ,"01010111",13
   1 ,"01010111",12
   1 ,"01010100",26
   1 ,"01010011",12
   1 ,"0101",10
   1 ,"01001100",26
   1 ,"01001001",26
   1 ,"01000011",26
   1 ,"01000010",26
   1 ,"01000001",26
   1 ,"0100",11
   1 ,"00111010",13
   1 ,"00111010",12
   1 ,"00111010",10
   1 ,"0011",11
   1 ,"00101010",3
   1 ,"00101001",13
   1 ,"0010",11
   1 ,"0001",10
   1 ,"0001 add 1",
   1 ,"00001111",13
   1 ,"00001010",3
   1 ,"00001000",3
   1 ,"00000000",3
   1 ,"0 1","t",14
   1 ,"0 0","t",13
   1 ,"-8 2","t",11
   1 ,"-16 4 1","t",11
   1 ,"-128",25
   1 ,"-127",24
   1 ,"-.9433",31
   1 ,"-.267",31
   1 ,"-.222",31
   1 ,"-.1375",31
   1 ,"-","l",60
   1 ,"+127",25
   1 ,"+.8817",31
   1 ,"+.3864",31
   1 ,"+.313",31
   1 ,"+.146",31
   1 ,"+.123",31
   1 ,"+","x",14
   1 ,"& D=  then the","t",17
   1 &TZXed by Andrew Barker
   1 "window","door","skylight","chimney","door & window","window & door"
   1 "on","on","on","on","on","on","on","on","off","off","off","off","on","on","on","on","off","off","on","on","off","off","on","on","off","on","off","on","off","on","off","on"
   1 "off","off","off","off","off","off","off","off","off","off","off","off","on","on","on","on","off","off","on","on","off","off","on","on","off","on","off","on","off","on","off","on"
   1 "move forwards","move backwards","turn right forwards","turn left forwards"
   1 "largest","smallest","largest","smallest","sign & magnitude","sign & magnitude","2's complement","2's complement"
   1 "chimney",4
   1 "an AND gate","an OR gate","an EOR gate","a NOR gate","a NAND gate","a NEQ gate"
   1 "Try converting the number into  binary"
   1 "Trace tables","Masking","Storing data","Random choice","Trace tables","Masking","Storing data","Random choice","Trace tables","Masking","Storing data","Random choice","Trace tables","Masking","Storing data","Random choice","Trace tables","Masking","Storing data","Random choice"
   1 "To win you must reduce your     score to EXACTLY zero.":
   1 "To win you must reduce your     score to EXACTLY zero."
   1 "To negate a number change all   the 0's to 1's and vice versa"
   1 "This series shows the decimal   equivalent of each bit"
   1 "This is the rightmost number"
   1 "This is the leftmost number"
   1 "There are 8 bits in a byte"
   1 "The most significant bit is a   negative quantity"
   1 "The most significant bit (the   one on the left) is negative"
   1 "The mask AND the number produce the output"
   1 "The mask AND the input produce  the output"
   1 "The mantissa holds the          significant digits"
   1 "The leftmost bit is the sign bit"
   1 "The decimal value of the bits is128  64  32  16   8   4   2   1 "
   1 "The NOT gate INVERTS the output from the OR gate"
   1 "The NOT gate INVERTS the output from the AND gate"
   1 "The ASCII code must be convertedinto binary"
   1 "Opening a window sends an input to the  computer"
   1 "NEQ is another word for EOR"
   1 "Motor B must be ON and going    FORWARDS"
   1 "Motor A must be ON and going    FORWARDS"
   1 "Look at the decimal number"
   1 "Logic networks","Number systems","Arithmetic","Random choice"
   1 "In the sum 1+1=10, the 1 of the answer will be carried"
   1 "In binary the bit place values  are 128 64 32 16  8  4  2  1"
   1 "In binary 1+1=10 and 1+0=1"
   1 "If the computer reaches zero or below then it wins!!":
   1 "If the computer reaches zero or below then it wins!!"
   1 "If an intruder enters an input  is sent to the computer"
   1 "Have you used the decision box  correctly?"
   1 "Have you assigned the correct   values to C?"
   1 "Have you assigned the correct   values to A?"
   1 "Have you assigned the correct   values to A, B, C & D?"
   1 "GEM","LEO","RAM","BIT","OCR","G","L","R","B","O","E","E","A","I","C","M","O","M","T","R"
   1 "Decode BCD by decoding each     4 bit group separately"
   1 "Convert the number into groups  of 4 bits & convert each group"
   1 "Convert each hex digit into     binary separately"
   1 "Compare each bit of the inputs  separately"
   1 "BOTH motors must be ON and BOTH must be in REVERSE"
   1 "BOTH motors must be ON and BOTH must be in FORWARD gear"
   1 "BCD","binary","BCD","binary","BCD","binary","BCD","binary","BCD","binary","01010101","01010101","01110011","01110101","01001001","00010111","01010111","00110100","00100100","10101101"
   1 "An OR gate gives an output of 1 if either input is 1"
   1 "An OR gate gives an output of 1 if ANY input is 1"
   1 "An EOR gate gives an output of 0if both inputs are the same"
   1 "An AND operation will give an   output of 1 if BOTH inputs are 1"
   1 "ALL the inputs of an AND gate   must be 1 to give an output of 1"
   1 "A NOT gate is an inverter"
   1 "A NOR gate is a combination of  a NOT OR gates"
   1 "A NOR gate is a NOT OR gate"
   1 "A NAND gate is a NOT AND gate"
   1 "8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15"
   1 "8","16","24","32","48","64"
   1 "202","225","188","58","255","90","237","184","156","171"
   1 "19","83","57","105","140","127","240","15","95","166"
   1 "1111","1101","1001","0101","1110","0111","1111","1100","1111"
   1 "11001010",13
   1 "11001010",12
   1 "11001010",10
   1 "11001010","11100001","10111100","00111010","11111111","01011010","11101101","10111000","10011100","10101011"
   1 "1100","123","F7","-36","+62","0101","-991","56","1110","B3"
   1 "1010","0110","1011","1011","0101","0001","0011",
   1 "1","2","4","8"
   1 "1","2","3","6","5","4","4","7","2","4","0","1","3","7","4","7","8","3","2","9","1","0","2","7","=1","<4","=4","<7","<8","=5","=6","<8"
   1 "1","2","1","5","3","4","6","1","3","3","2","7","5","4","2","2","1","2","1","3","2","2","9","2","2","2","1","1","2","3","8","2"
   1 "1","1","1","3","3","3","2","2","2","4","5","6","7","9","7","7","9","7","3","5","4","4","5","2","5","6","6"
   1 "1","1","1","3","3","3","2","2","2","2","4","2","2","2","4","2","2","2","4","6","3","4","5","6","5","1","2"
   1 "1","1","1","2","4","3","1","3","2","2","2","3","6","5","4","3","3","3","3","4","3","1","2","3","=1","=2",">3",">2","=5","<4","=4","=6"
   1 "01000111",26
   1 "0011","0101","1011","1100","1101","0111","0110","0011","0001","0101","0011","0111","0101","0101","0010","0011","0011","0101","1011","1100","1101","0111","0110","0011"
   1 "0010","0011","0100","0101","0001","0111","0010","0100","0101","0010","0101","0011","0100","0111","0010","0111","1000","1010","1010","1101"
   1 "00010011",13
   1 "00010011","01010111","00101001","01101001","10001100","01111111","11110000","00001111","01011111","10100110"
   1 "0001","0010","0011","0100","0101","0110","0111","1000","0101","0110","0011","0101","1100","1111","0000","1010","1101","1010","1110","1010","1010","0111","1111","1110","0101","0110","0110","0101","0101","1001","1010","0110","26","27","26","28","27","26","27","28"
   1 "00000001","01101100","00001111","11110101","00101000","00101011","11110000","10101010","10101110","01100111","10101010","11101110","11011010","01111110","00001010","11111111"
   1 "00000000",3
   1 "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"
   1 "0    1","i",0
   1 "-9","-10","-11","-12","-13","-14","-15","-16"
   1 "-362","+143","2FA","1011","0F","47","0101","1100","-123","446"
   1 "-1","-2","-3","-4","-5","-6","-7","-8"
   1 "+.1375E-6","+.3864E+7","-.1375E+6","-.267E-1","+.123E-15","+.146E+12","-.9433E+6","+.8817E-6","+.313E+11","-.222E-1"
   1 "+.1375",31
   1 "        I WIN !!!":
   1  stops the game":
   1  stops the game"
   1  on your recorder":